Saturday, April 2, 2011


I was just watching some videos on YouTube that are HILARIOUS! In case you are bummed out, here are some videos that will DEFINETLY cheer you up! These videos are from Jack Vale, Uncle John, and Ed Bassmaster! I would like to thank them for making me laugh so hard!

During this video, Jack Vale is using a funny little device called the pooter. You put a small speaker in your pocket and when someone else presses the button, it will make a pooting noise. They're actually pretty funny as you can tell (:

This is Ed Bassmaster dressed up as a woman named "Tequila Johnson" He is truly hilarious in all of his Tequila videos.
Once again this is Ed Bassmaster. If you go on YouTube and type in Ed Bassmaster ugly face, once again, he makes us crack up!

Once again they are using the little device called the pooter. Except this time, it's Ed Bassmaster AND Jack Vale. Double the trouble!

This is Ed Bassmaster and someone else that I call his little "back-up dancer" (:

This is Tequila Johnson (Ed Bassmaster) again. He is calling Verizon.

This is Teuila Johnson (Ed Bassmaster) talking by video chat to random people.
This is Uncle John in Dropping Cups being difficult (:
Once again Uncle John.
This is Ed Bassmaster and Jack Vale using the pooter again.

I hope that you enjoyed all of these videos!! They were hand picked and laughed at by me! Make sure to visit Ed Bassmaster, Jack Vale, and Uncle John on YouTube!

Keep it GREEN.

Rebecca Black's Official Video - How I Feel

Why??? Why does this video get on my nerves so bad? I mean shooting the video they did an EXCELLENT job. If you listen to the words though they are so dumb. I was looking at the comments people made and they are extremely rude. If you do not like te video you don't have to express your words so harshly. I am not a fan of this video, but I am not going to sit there and down talk someone that rudely. I think Rebecca tried, but sadly did not succeed. She gave a good effort. I am like Switzerland here so I am not on anyone's side. Tell me what you think about her by commenting please.

Keep it GREEN.

Friday, April 1, 2011

Ideas Ideas

WELL ALRIGHTEY THEN! Here are some ideas of what to do over the Spring Break if you're in school right now!
#1! Go to the beach (ANY BEACH OF COURSE!!! Examples: Gulf Shores, Alabama - The WHOLE border of California is practically a beach... so WHY NOT GO THERE??)

#2! If there isn't a beach nearby, you can lay out in your front yard, grab some sweet lemonade, and get a tann (:

#3! If you're not an outdoorsey person, you can sit with your fave snacking food, pop in a sad, scary, whatever movie, and gain some knowledge about that movie. So if you have no friends, you have something to talk about with other people!

#4! Cuddle up with a nice, soft, blanket and read a good ole' BOOK! I, happen to LOVE books and the adventure they put you mind into, so what's so bad about a book??

#5! If you're a blogger (like myself!) you can start thinking of what to write on your blog! (Examples: Pets, movies, books, celebrities, secret crushes, blah blah blah, and blah blahbitty blah!)


Keep it GREEN.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

There IS a difference you know!

Good Friends                                                                     Bad Friends
~You know you can count on when                                   THE EXACT
the time comes.
~Always laughs WITH you, not at
you (unless it's PRETTY funny!)
~Never looks down on you.
~Doesn't lie, steal, or hurt you on
~Doesn't play you like a game when
they need or want something.

Now that you have read this, look at yourself and think, "Am I a good friend?"
And if you do not have any friends, then ask your imaginary friend, "Am I a good friend?"
Nah, don't really do that because you'll look absolutely LOONEY!! (: Yes, you are
probably reading this and thinking, "So how is this blog going to help me with my average
human life?" Well I got news for you, it's not. Well, unless you look at the good friend bad
friend list. Anyway, keep reading my blogs PLEASE!!

Keep it GREEN.

Why the world?

I have been watching this world die every single day. People cutting down trees. People polluting the air that we are breathing this very second! Some people even decide, "Hey! You know what? I don't feel like driving more then 8 miles to get to a Wal-Mart, so let's cut down some good ole' mother nature, build a new Wal-Mart, and call it a day" That's what really ticks me off. I don't understand why people can't just stop what they are doing, get on a nearby computer, and find five ways to make the world a greener planet. You know what, if you are reading this, go ahead and take a quick look at the list I made below on how to live in a cleaner environment.
Number 1: Carpool with your buddies to go wherever is necessary. Puts less pollution in the air!
Number 2: Don't use paper OR plastic! Use the little fabric bags that are strong enough so you can use them over and over when you shop.
Number 3: If you didn't listen to number 2, put the plastic and/or paper bags in the right recycling bin
Number 4: Make your OWN list to share with the world on how to encourage a cleaner environment.
Number 5: Buy things from the store with less packaging. Less plastic, less pollution!
Doing these things aren't that hard now are they? Please just keep these ideas and SOLLUTIONS in your head!

Keep it GREEN.